Next-generation quantum chemistry simulation platform for drug development

MQS Team Photo
Molecular Quantum Solutions (MQS) accelerates pharmaceutical and chemical industries by providing a quantum software platform for calculating thermodynamic properties of molecules.
Quantum Computing
Deep Tech

Why did we invest in MQS?

We have been very impressed with the product and commercial achievements so far, and sincerely believe that the team and their quantum chemistry simulation platform will disrupt the drug formulation space. We think the company stands out from the competition and has a clear value proposition for accelerating the pharma R&D pipeline.

“Over the last three years, we have built a solid infrastructure to run computationally demanding quantum chemistry calculations in the cloud and solve industrial relevant use cases. Further, we have developed novel quantum computing methods which we are integrating into our classical calculation pipeline. We have several collaborations ongoing with quantum computing research institutions and companies. We are now set to push into a worldwide market with our cloud product stack.”

Mark Nicholas Jones
Co-founder @ MQS

About MQS

The pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries typically invest between approximately 20 and 60 billion USD in drug formulation and manufacturing upscaling phases. With the tools developed by Molecular Quantum Solutions, users can now screen and evaluate new materials for applications such as batteries, green solvents, pharmaceutical drugs, and biodegradable plastics without the need for expensive laboratory experiments.

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